Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Semi Potty-Trained????

I really think Jackson is starting to understand this potty thing. He is asking more and more to use the potty even when he is wearing a diaper. Well, let me back up. With Luke being so little, it being so hot, and us not really having much money, we typically spend most of our days at home during the summer. So my potty training strategy has been to take Jackson's diaper off when he wakes up in the morning, make him sit on the potty first thing, and then he goes diaper free for the rest of the day. After observing him for a while I figured that as long as he had a diaper on, that was where he was going to pee. So I thought if there's no diaper there, he's more likely to use the potty. I was right for the most part...he only peed on the floor twice. And thankfully neither time was on the carpet.
So today, I decided to let him try out his new big boy underwear that he picked out at Target last week. He chose Lightning McQueen. I explained the importance of big boy underwear and how they were not for tee tee and poop. Sure enough, when he had to go he announced it as usual..."Mommy, I need go potty" I directed him to the potty chair, he pulled down his big boy pants (a skill that needs a lot of work as it took him about 3 minutes to get them off), sat on the potty and went! I cheered and made a big deal to which Jackson responded "Mommy, that's too loud" So I'd say that's a pretty big deal.
And can I just say that he looks so cute in his tiny little boy underwear. I took some pictures...but after careful review by Brad and I we decided that it was best not to post them for several reasons
1) our blog might get flagged for child pornography
2) to prevent Jackson from needing therapy when he's older

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so funny!! i can see all your child life skills going into the potty training!!