Saturday, April 26, 2008

Why would you say that?

I'm sure that anyone who is or has been pregnant before can relate to my experience with this question. It is amazing what people will say to you when you are pregnant concerning the size of you and/or your stomach. I'm sure most people think nothing of it when they make the observations or ask the questions that they do, but honestly, it just blows me away sometimes. Here are some of the interesting comments/questions/conversations I have had to endure.

random person: "when are your babies due?"
me: "it's just one baby...thanks."

random person: "when was your due date?"
me: "i still have 2 more months to go."

random person: "i just had to come up and tell you that I think you look so beautiful pregnant."
me: "thank you very much (silently thinking...finally a nice random person)"
random person: "but i do have to say that i have never seen anyone as big as you"
me: "well, i only have a few more weeks"
random person: "no, really. i've never seen anyone as big as you. are you sure you're not having twins?"
me: "pretty sure"

random person that i see every week: "so you're still hangin' on?"
me: "yeah (but, i'm only 6 months pregnant and she thinks i'm about to go into labor)"

random person to his wife: "look at that lady who just walked in! she's huge! do you see how big that woman is?"
me: ok, i didn't say anything. but i wanted to turn to him and say "do you think i can't hear you?"

But I think perhaps the one that takes the cake occurred just last night when we went out to dinner. The waitress was leading Brad and Jackson to the table as I made a bee line for the rest room as usual.

random waitress: "is this booth ok?"
Brad: "yeah it should be fine...why?"
random waitress: "are you sure your wife is going to be able to fit?"

So to all my pregnant friends out big and be proud. You're beautiful!


Unknown said...

that is hilarious! Don't worry you will be back to your size 2 self in no time! Can't wait to meet Luke!

Abby said...

Amazing! I endured many similar comments with Hannah. With this one I have been far! I'm about to enter the BIG time growing phase though so we'll see how long it lasts!
Good luck today! We are thinking about you and your family and can't wait for an update!!!