Thursday, April 24, 2008


Ok, so I don't know if this is a sign, but here is a list of the things that for some reason I just felt had to be done tonight after Jackson went to bed:

-clean out the refrigerator and pantry
-totally wipe down and disinfect the inside of the frig
-organize and box up all of my CDs that I no longer use
-wipe down the entire outer surface of both the washer and dryer
-wash, dry and fold any item of dirty clothing, towel, or sheet that I could find in the house
-organize the cat food by flavor
-make the longest grocery list I think I've ever made
-write, address, and stamp all of my mother's day cards and birthday cards for the month of May (FYI...that's 26 cards)
-replace all the batteries in Jackson's toys
-transfer all my extra light bulbs and batteries to their own little storage boxes where they would be nice and neat
-and if it weren't dark, I would have hosed down and cleaned all of Jackson's outdoor sand toys to get them ready for our beach trip in June (I will be doing that tomorrow)



KluesnerFamily said...

Good luck! I hope you get some action down there soon! Wish I had your nesting energy! Lots to do around here and don't want to do it...keep praying for the cleaning fairy to come visit me during the night while I am sleeping! I mean the tooth fairy comes and if Hannah doesn't wet her bed the "princess fairy" comes and leaves her a little something....Why can't the cleaning fairy come? Enough of the midnight ranting and raving! I will be thinking about you! Can't wait to hear!!!

KluesnerFamily said...

oh yeah you can go to my

nighty night!

Katherine said...

I don't know if that's nesting or just sheer craziness!

Abby said...

Can you come to my house???