Friday, January 22, 2010

Grocery store

When Brad is on call, the dinner/bath/bedtime routine can be a little tricky to manage with my wild boys. Tonight I decided to let L read books in his crib (given the path of destruction he had already created througout the day) while I bathed and pj'd J. After J was done, I sent him downstairs to play while I bathed and pj'd L, read stories, and put him to bed. When I came downstairs, J was standing there, so proud, and said (as he did a sweeping gesture with his hands) "Ta-da! Welcome to my grocery store. Time to go shopping!"
Well, you don't have to beg me to go shopping :)

So I got my cart, my list, and my pen. I made a big deal about looking through all of the food, asking J if he had certain items, planning out my meals for the week, you get the idea. He was so excited! He could hardly contain himself, he was just bursting at the seams with the excitement of this newly discovered game. I proceeded to the check-out with my goods and asked J how much I owed.

Orange..... $20
Potato..... $10
Zucchini..... $100
Chicken..... $5
Lemon..... $1
Grand total..... $181
I guess I shouldn't have bought 3 potatoes.
At least chicken was on sale this week (he did tell me that) :)
And I'm dreading breaking the news to Brad that we can no longer afford one of his favorite vegetables :(
I do love that little boy's imagination, and can't wait to shop at his store again....hopefully with coupons ;)


natalie said...

Oh, my goodness. I'm laughing TOO hard. That is entirely precious and I'm so glad you shared this story!!!

Pam Burrus said...

HAHAHHAHA I'm seriously laughing out loud over here!!! This is too cute!!! I hope you plan to print your blog out for your boys - it's too funny!!!

April said...

laughing out loud over here. hilarious!