On Friday, Brad and I leave to go out of town on two back-to-back trips. First, we will be going to Tempe, Arizona, for the UGA/Arizona State game. Then, we will be headed to Maui where Brad is presenting some research at a trauma conference. I know I should be overly excited about these trips, and don't get me wrong, I am very excited...but as my fellow mothers know, I am sad about leaving my little ones (and my animals) for so long... I have no doubts that they will be loved on and cared for beyond measure by their grandparents...but just the shear distance away that I will be from them is tearing at my heart... All this said, I am still breastfeeding my precious little Luke and am determined (and hopeful) to continue when I get back. I have been pumping like crazy and have over 2 gallons of milk to last him while I am away (you should see my freezer!). So my pump will be travelling with me in hopes that I can keep my supply up while I am away and possibly bring some back with me...at least from the first trip to Arizona. So in anticipation of this, I checked out the rules and regulations for travelling with breast milk on an airplane. Here's what I found... -Up until about a year ago, if you were travelling with your child, you could carry as much pumped breast milk on ice as you wanted...if you were travelling without your child, you were limited to your 3 ounce bottle that must be contained in your lovely quart sized zip-loc bag along with your other liquids (obviously logic was not a part of making this rule...if your child is with you, you don't really have a need for the stored milk) -Today's rule states that "breast milk is allowed in reasonable quantities exceeding 3 ounces and is not required to be in a zip-top bag. Upon arrival at the security checkpoint, you must declare these items for inspection" After reading that, Brad and I couldn't help but envision some sort of ridiculous Michael Scott type scene at security...
I realize I am a week late in posting this, but things are a little busy and blogging is low on the list. Brad and I were very fortunate to be able to go to the home opening UGA football game against GA Southern. I don't even know when the last time was I actually attended a home football game. Brad's parents were kind enough to keep the little men while we went to the game. It was probably the hottest game I have ever been to, but it was fun and brought back a lot of memories from times past...when there were no little babes to tend to, tailgating was an all day event, and I was just a college girl cheering on the dawgs with her high school sweetheart....
Pre-game picture at the house (pre-make-up for Mommy)
In the will of God, there is no higher, holier calling, and no greater joy, than to be a wife and mother. "To love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God."
Titus 2:4-5
Always and Forever
Abby May
Jackson says the darndest things...
J: Mommy?
M: Yes baby.
J: The baby's heart looked kind of like a uvula.
M: You think so?
J: Yeah, like a tiny little uvula wiggling around.
Random nurse on the elevator: Well, I guess it's pretty obvious that he's going into medicine like his Daddy.
J: Who is 69 years old?
M: I can't think of anyone we know who is 69 (thinking to myself...what an odd question)
D: Grandpa is 60, and Chief is 62.
J: 62? Wow. That is a lot of months.
D: Do you know what "requested" means?
J: No
D: It means "asked".
J: Oh. It means "asked", in Spanish.
M: Luke used to be a little tiny baby, but he's getting so big now.
J: He's not big, Mommy. He's just medium.
J: Mommy, I think God is a gir-lul.
M: Really?
J: No. Actually, he's a boy.
(At bedtime)
J: Mommy, you ta-got (forgot) to ask me what I want to be when I grow up.
M: Terribly sorry. What do you want to be when you grow up?
J: Well, I could be a doctor, or a police man, or a painter, or a train conductor, or a cut grasser...I think I'll be a cut grasser.
M: What does a cut grasser do?
J: Cut the grass.
J: What are you doing, Mommy?
M: Paying bills.
J: What are bills?
M: We have to pay for all the things that we have...like our house, the lights, our car, things like that.
J: Oh. Make sure you pay the train bill.
(After being in time out for throwing toys)
J: Mommy, I'm sorry you took my toys away. (pointing and wagging his finger at me) But me and you, we just do things different.
M: Excuse me? Where did you hear that?
J: That's what they say on Word World.
M: Well, this is Mommy's World.
(Brad to Jackson on the swings)
D: Jackson, you're flying!
J: No, I'm falling...with style!
J: Mommy, is your big girl underwear dry?
M: Yes.
J: Let me check.
M: Um, that's ok.
J: Mommy, are those your boobies?
M: Yes.
J: Let me see them.
M: No.
J: Yes, Mommy. Just get them out.
M: I'm not that kind of Mommy. And you have a lot to learn in the romance department.
M: This summer when we go to Marine Land, you'll get to feed the dolphins.
J: Wow, that's cool.
M: What do you think dolphins eat?
J: Probably bird seed.