Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day Of School

Today was Jackson's first day of school. Today, he started 2K. I can't believe how much my little boy has grown! He is in the Zebra room (up from the Monkey room of last year's MMO) and is going Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9-12. He had a great first day, had no problems leaving Mommy behind, and is looking forward to going back. I am most proud because he went to school in big boy underwear and came home wearing the same pair I sent him in, which was still dry. So why does he still pee in his pants at home??? Here are some pictures from our first day.

hanging his bag on his hook

artwork...very obviously a red elephant


Anonymous said...

I am so glad he did well! I am so proud of him with his clean underwear! I hope you got a nap with Luke or something fun! I like the new look too!

Katherine said...

Jackson is such a cutie!

Erin said...

I like to see how the hair progressed throughout the day... started with a nice, combed look and ended a little disheveled - but both equally as cute :)